Tender For annual repair and maintenance of to residential and non-residential building at icar-iiwbr, icar-iari & msme-di, karnal during the year 2024-25 i/c minor repair works such as distempering, painting, cleaning of underground sump, overhead tank, providing manpower and supply of material as required for day to day maintenance.subwork/packages:maintenance work
Tender For underground sewer line, iron overhead water tank, water supply lines, repair of plaster etc. work in residential building under hq section of hq sub dn 3, jabalpur
Tender For corrigendum : repair replacement and maintenance of ci di gi pipe lines valves chambers valves and connected including cleaning of overhead reservoir and ug sump and tank service in area under dgqa org under ge mh and rh khadki
Tender For repair and maint of overhead water tank, air compressor, irp, chemical dosing system, borewell, starter panel incl external pipeline network and connected items installed at various pump houses at af stn mohanbari
Tender For augmentation of water supply bsf campus salbagan tripura sh cleaning of overhead tank underground sumps raising main and repair replacement damaged pipe line under under ftr hq bsf tripura
Tender For maintennace and replacement of overhead water tank including water supply line and urgent repair of sewerage line to the d h ward within the premises of presidency correctional home during the yaer 2023-24.
Tender For corrigendum : special repair to bathroom and toilets of building no np-3 np-5 and np-6 otm accn (single or living lines) of asc bn and provn of 19 x overhead water tank with stand for otm accn and cook house in the aor of age br-ii under ge(west)pathankot
Tender For repair/maint to street light junction boxes, overhead tank, pump sets and fire fighting equipments at 10 compo, csa and 427 fd hosp area at sevoke road mil stn under ge sevoke road